Google and its Self-Driving Car

Google is coming out with a self-driving car program called Waymo. “We’re close to bringing this to a lot of people,” said Krafcik. Everyone is asking when someone can drive this amazing new technology. Google is testing the vehicles in Washington, California, Arizona and Texas. Waymo is going to give people the best of both worlds. I … More Google and its Self-Driving Car

Trump Takes Over

Donald John Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States on Tuesday in a end to stunning  campaign. Both candidates had no mercy and were relentless to win, but only one can come out on top. The surprise outcome, defying late night polls made Donald Trump our President. Throughout the country and the … More Trump Takes Over

Clinton vs. TV

Hillary Clinton is doing whatever it takes to win this election, she has money to spend and she’s putting it into TV ads. Her campaign has more than doubled its ad spending in this final week of the, then it has the whole election. Her ad numbers went from about $14 million to $32.4 million, … More Clinton vs. TV

The Clown Attack

The new phenomenon that has quickly struck New Jersey is the clown terror. All over the country and in all different states people are dressing up as clowns and going around terrorizing innocent people. What is the point? Do people really have nothing better to do then go around and scaring innocent people. Recent findings … More The Clown Attack